Step 2 of 2 - Schedule Your Free Growth Call 70%

Develop Your
Character, Habits, Mindset

Join Likeminded Brothers In Our Global Community

Get Your Dream Physique With The Easiest, Fastest Training Models For Beginners

Get Jacked Faster Than Your Old Friends

Why Join Polarize Tribe?

You’re about to leave all the dropkicks behind.

This is your competitive edge.

This is what will set you apart from everyone else.

While everyone else is mindlessly consuming TikTok and playing video games and still watching porn, feeling like sluggish and unable to think clearly from eating Fast Food…You’ll be levelling up in the fast lane to a REAL Social Life and fitness.

Imagine ACTUALLY making real progress in the gym. Imagine Having REAL Friends making deep connections. You start making a little bit of progress here and there. And very soon, before you even realise, you’ll have your dream body and REAL brothers to celebrate with. 

You get to improve your life, get new clothes that fit your new muscles better…

You can finally have the confidence to ask out that girl you like. You can increase you’re testosterone naturally –

Imagine that, you gain self confidence and get muscle faster!

Everyone else thinks this is impossible. But you know this lifestyle is within your

You just need more support.


Success Stories

My name Is Jackson, And I’ve Completely Changed My Life and The Lives Of Those Closest to me by Growing their Interests in Self Improvement, Health and Fitness and Mindset
For a couple of years now I’ve been told I’ve completely altered the trajectory of these young mens lives. I want to teach exactly what I Know in areas of Fitness, Mental health and Social Life.
Here’s my personal progress implementing these tactics over 16-17 years old

This is what school teachers could do for young men, but it's not happening.

The Problem With Schools and Online Info Today:

I'm revolutionising the system with: POLARIZE TRIBE

POLARIZE TRIBE is genuinely the best work I’ve done in my life.

If you work hard, in no time you’ll be making REAL progress in your fitness and social life that so far you’ve procrastinated in (if we’re being honest).
That means you’ll destroy your low self-esteem and anxious thoughts.
In POLARIZE TRIBE you’ll finally have a community of other brothers on self improvement who want to become successful, unlike the dropkicks you know who are content with getting fat, eating shit and having degen friends who don’t actually care about them.

More About Jackson

So What Do You Get When You Join POLARIZE TRIBE

Exclusive Access To The Community

The BEST Thing for your self-improvement journey is brothers Other Guys on the same path. Unlike your old friends (Crabs in a bucket, always pulling you back down when you get ontop) These guys and I myself will support and 10x the speed at which you will grow, Physically and Mentally Guys who actually WANT you to succeed, These are real friends, These are Brothers

"But what if I dont make any friends?"

Bro. You've somehow managed to scrape up some crabs in your school or work to call your "friends"and the only common "interest" is you just happen to go to the same school. Imagine you become friends with another guy who wants to get Jacked Who wants to progress in life Be successful Make Money Get Girls WHO WANT TO GET MORE FRIENDS ON THIS JOURNEY Pretty Much Everyone In POLARIZE Tribe Has These Common Interests How couldn't you make friends in that environment? You could do it on accident! We're all progressing together, on the same path. We have a private community where you can come in every single day to ask for advice, get involved in the comments of other posts and make friends.

Direct Access to Jackson on his Weekly 'Interactive Lessons

(Fridays 3:30pm Perth WA Time)+(Wednesday 3:30pm)
You'll be learning directly from a guy whos been through the journey! I'll spill all my competitive edge secrets because my one goal in POLARIZE TRIBE is to get you results in your Fitness, Mindset and Social Life. Our weekly interactive lessons are live calls where I share my screen and dive deep into topics that will help you with your Whole Lives, increase your gains in the gym, Get rid of your bad habits etc I cover a variety of topics that I think would change your life and get you to the success you want. You'll also have the chance to raise your hand on the call and ask me questions so we're all learning together about stuff we actually care about, and I'll do my best to answer your questions as genuinely as I can. I create a Notion document on every interactive lesson and link extra resources for you, and you get a copy of each Notion document every week meaning an extra valuable resource for you to learn from. Imagine seeing your whole life get better after taking my live lessons inside of The Tribe... And all the new subscribers are checking out your paid products, making YOU money! That's the reality of being on self-improvement, if you do it right. And that's what I'm going to teach you.

- Free Workout App Access! -

The Fastest way to get started Training
If I had this when I started Working out I’d be a year ahead of Myself

Now I can give this power to you

Workouts sent directly your phone

Access to workouts, Diet plans and Can Directly Link to MyFitnessPal for calorie tracking

AND an inbuilt habit tracker which beats my shitty paper one 20x

- 2x GROUP Training Sessions a Week -

(Tuesdays 3:40pm Perth WA Time) + (Saturdays 10am Perth WA Time) or
(Monday 3:40pm Perth WA Time) + (Thursday 3:40pm Perth WA Time)

LOCATION: Perth Northern Suburbs

If you cannot make the sessions and dont live in Perth the workout will be online directly sent to you in the app I mentioned before

Training In a group of friends

Having your brothers push you along

Holding You Accountable

Forcing you to go that extra mile

Celebrating Hard Work Together

Celebrating Growth

This is what its all about.

We Have PRIVATE GYM ACCESS For Our Own Personal Sessions.

With a Qualified Personal Training Intructor (Me)

So you can actually train the right way, and not waste days, months and sweat training like a spaz.

(Not your fault theres alot of stupid info online)

- GROW FASTER With Our Leaderboard System -

Adam Hodnett

Tribe Member
POLARIZE TRIBE has been the best investment of my life. I'm on my purpose now. I'm 110% dialled into my self improvement and finally aligned with other men, becoming fitter and happier together. I'm personally looking forward to seeing you on the inside.

When You Join POLARIZE TRIBE You also get all of this

Bonus #1
Goal setting templates and coaching -
(Value $149)

Actually see and achieve your goals With the most effective Goal setting techniques Applied to templates and coaching on the process

Bonus #2
Mindset Course - Confidence -
(Value $199)

I’ll Teach you the exact process that took me from a sad, low self esteem kid To getting real friends, A job I actually want And The Ability to be Charismatic in social Situations In Just a few Months

Bonus #3
Mindset Course - Anxiety -
(Value $199)

Imagine having panic attacks weekly Not wanting to go to the shops because you dont want anyone to see you CANNOT hold a conversation for your life And then Imagine it all dissapear. Completely Free From Anxiety Diagnosed then CURED What I Teach In this Course Changed my Life.

Bonus #4
Monthly Self Improvement Challenges -

We will all hold each other accountable and compete in set Monthly challenges
These challenges will test our manhood and help us grow exponentially

AND You Also Get Some DAILY Checklists & Workspaces

Bonus #5
Productivity workspace
(Value $99)

I can now work 8-10 Hours a Day

Working Efficiently not like 99% of people

Enducing a Deep Work Flow State

In The Zone

This Currated List of Habits and Information to go along with it will 10x Your Productivity in any task.
Daily Checklist and Info Made for You.

Bonus #6
Testesterone Optimisation Checklist
(Value $69)

Make sure you OPTIMISE your testosterone by using these simple but fundamental strategies that I learnt from Jack aka Ceo Of Testosterone and Hamza Ahmed.
 Visualise Easily
tick off your daily habits with this checklist!

This Currated List of Habits and Information to go along with it will 10x Your Productivity in any task.

Bonus #7
Testosterone MAXIMISATION Checklist
(Value $79)

This is no joke.
If you’re SERIOUS about MAXIMISING TESTOSTERONE, this is the perfect daily checklist for you.
Maximising your testosterone is more about REMOVING bad things from your life.
Now you have the perfect daily checklist to keep you accountable to avoid the things that KILL testosterone levels.
 Processed Food

Bonus #8
Custom Optimised Habit Checklist
(Value $49)

Made and Optimised For Efficiency for you

All 4 Of Those Daily Checklists
And Then This:

Bonus #9
Polarity & Purpose Lectures
(Value $199)

Lectures on how to gain Polarity in your life
And Lectures on how to find your Purpose
(Theres a Process, All Men Have One)

Bonus #10
Affiliate Link Make $100 Per Referal
(Value $100)

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting other people’s products without the need to create your own.

You don’t have to spend months developing a product, building your own content, or creating sales pages.

It’s a straightforward process of leveraging existing content using AI, sharing it on platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts, and including your unique affiliate link to the POLARIZE TRIBE membership page.

For every sale generated through your link, you’ll earn a commission.


Bonus #11
Productivity Course
Testosterone Optimisation Course
(Value $699)

2 Premium Courses On EXACTLY how to Increase Productivity to work like a Killer

And EXACTLY How to Increase Your Testosterone as a man by avoiding modern day poisions and living opitmally.

Tesosterone Rates AND Attention Spans have been on the Decline for the past 50 Years

You Will FEEL the difference

From Low Motivation, Lethargic, Lack Of Confidence and Drive


Being Competitive, Hungry for Work and Feeling Strong and Powerful

This energy is sensed by those around you which will immediately give you respect socially

Bonus #12
Aesthetic Body Training Guide
(Value $199)

You’re Chasing that Aesthics Shape,

Big Shoulders,
Big Chest,
  Massive Biceps

But Theres More To An Aesthetic Physique Than Just Size

As You Can See By The Example Below
Its Not Just “The Biggest Man Wins” Clearly

Most Fitness Gurus Are So Close On What they say An Aesthetic Physique Consists of,

But They Miss a Few Key Things Which I will Teach You

Ok, Im Sold,
How Much Does This All Cost?

Pricing and Membership

The Amount Of Value Im Putting Into This Is Insane,

And its Only Going to Grow As the Tribe Does.

This is Just the Beginning

Let Me Just Remind You
What You're Getting


Bonus #1 Goal setting templates and coaching – $149

Bonus #2 Mindset Course – Confidence – $199

Bonus #3 Mindset Course – Anxiety – $199

Bonus #4 Monthly Self Improvement Challenge – $Priceless$

Bonus #5 Productivity workspace – $99

Bonus #6 Testesterone Optimisation Checklist -$69

Bonus #7 Testosterone Maximisation Checklist -$79

Bonus #8 Custom Optimised Habit Tracker – $49

Bonus #9 Polarity & Purpose Lectures -$199

Bonus #10 Affiliate Referal Link Make $100 Per Referal – $100

Bonus #11 Productivity Course + Testosterone Optimisation Course – $699

Bonus #12 Aesthetic Body Training Guide – $199

Total Value = $2050



Private Community – $499

Interactive Lessons – $119

Custom Fitness App ( Workouts + Diet Plans) – $299

Group Training Sessions – $199

Total Value = $3190

Imagine Getting All of that^

Obviously Im Not Going to Make You Pay That Much.

But If I did and all it did was make you strong and muscular would it be worth it?

If you spent $3190 to completely change the way you think to be confident and successful would it be worth it?

How much would you spend to be able to have loyal male friends and attract girls with your confidence and physique?

Because of your interest and support, Ill give you a very special offer Total Value $3190

How Much is the POLARIZE TRIBE Subscription Per Month?

If we’re being real, I’m overdelivering like crazy here.


You FINALLY start to grow some Muscle…


You start making REAL Friends…


You ACTUALLY start becoming Confident and Strong…


You even improve your sleep so you become healthier and more productive…


All inside of POLARIZE TRIBE.


And so the monthly subscription for POLARIZE TRIBE should be SUPER EXPENSIVE.


Here’s the price:

POLARIZE TRIBE currently costs $34 per week, with a one-time joining fee of $499.99 Meaning you pay $499.99 today, and then just $34 per week afterwards.


It’s not cheap – I won’t lie to you.

But as a man you need to look at the return on investment on your purchases.

When you build your dream body and start making real friends, POLARIZE TRIBE has easily paid for itself.

Now imagine a whole YEAR of getting the support of your brothers inside POLARIZE TRIBE…

Working towards your goals over the entire year…
Learning how to live an genuine fulfilling life..
And new genuine friends who aren’t Jefferys…

That’s easily a high return on investment for your money.


You could go back to your dropkick friends.

Whilst other men are building their dream lives as driven men, just like I did.

The choice is there in front of you.

The average life of dropkicks, or the superior journey in the Tribe

If you have been thinking that POLARIZE TRIBE would be an amazing investment for you, then it’s a no brainer that you should get it to start making progress in your dream life now.

Day 1 of making real progress in your dream life starts now…

Or it could start 2 months from now.


Don’t waste more time getting started.

Procrastination has NEVER served you so far, has it?

If you believe this would change your life, and you can actually afford it, then why don’t you just get it now?


Click the red button and come build your dream life with everyone now!


Come Join Us In The Tribe
Click The Red Button Right Now!

Take Action Today!

We will get back to see how we can help you within 24 hours

Registration Form


Immediate Access to the Online Community and your Membership.

Price Will Increase after the Next 25 Members to $699 + $140 per Month

But for you..

Lock In Your $499 + $34 Per Week

Save ANOTHER $200!

Email: - 7 Day Money Back Guarantee No Questions Asked and Can Cancel Subcription at Anytime